Finding Strength & Healing in Vulnerability.

Sharing Mental Health Awareness Art to breakdown Stereotypes, Stigmas & Silence.

I have discovered that sharing my challenging experiences facilitates understanding with others in ways nothing else can. This website is part of the journey.

It’s taken four decades to understand how deeply fear, anxiety, and depression have impacted, and run, my life.

That’s why sharing Mental Health Awareness Art is personally meaningful. And it is deeply cathartic to be creative and challenge my fear of sharing myself with others.

The Mental Health Awareness Art, website, blog, and YouTube videos all signify a 180º turn from my typical ways of being in the world—a total about face.

Take a peek the Mental Health Awareness Art, and sign up for email alerts to know about new art. Until then, I am grateful for your visit.

Be real & Be well.

New artwork in progress — online soon.

Subscribe, and don’t miss out when new artwork hits the Internet.

Duotone Self-Portrait, 2024. My year of survival.

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